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IPMA Level A: Certified Projects Director

For whom is this certification?

  • Level A certification is the highest level of IPMA certification and is designed for professionals who operate at a strategic level in project management.

  • It focuses on leadership, strategic alignment, and portfolio management.

  • Level A certification validates the ability to effectively manage multiple projects and programs, align projects with organizational objectives, and provide leadership in a project-driven environment.

The assessment steps


The assessment steps for individuals are applied to each of the IPMA certification levels independently, i.e. when candidates meet the competence requirements, they can apply directly for the desired Level. You do not need to start at level D and move your way up to C and B and A!

IPMA Level A: Certified Project Director


This IPMA certification requires that the candidate has acted in a very complex project environment that has a strategic impact on the organisation.


Eligibility criteria:

  • within the last 12 years, the candidate needs to have a minimum of five years’ experience as a project manager in a responsible leadership function in very complex projects of which at least three years were at a strategic level.

IPMA South Africa envisions a future where industries thrive through effective project management, collaboration and the latest methodologies and best practices. We offer: international certifications, events, knowledge sharing community, self-development activities and much more.
Certification pricing

Level A 


Level B


Level C


Level D




IPMA Level A: Certified Programme Director


This IPMA certification requires that the candidate has acted in a very complex programme environment that has a strategic impact on the organisation.


Eligibility criteria:

  • within the last 12 years, the candidate needs to have a minimum of five years’ experience as a programme manager in a responsible leadership function in very complex programmes at a strategic level

  • or a minimum of four years’ experience as a programme manager in a responsible leadership function in very complex programmes and a minimum of three years’ experience as a project manager in

IPMA Level A: Certified Portfolio Director


This IPMA certification requires that the candidate has acted in a very complex portfolio environment that has a strategic impact on the organisation.


Eligibility criteria:

  • within the last 12 years, the candidate needs to have a minimum of five years’ experience as a portfolio manager in a responsible leadership function in very complex portfolios at a strategic level

  • or a minimum of four years of experience as a portfolio manager in a responsible leadership function in very complex portfolios and a minimum of three years’ experience as a project or programme manager in a responsible leadership function managing very complex projects or programmes at a strategic level.


The re-certification period for levels A to D is due 5 years after initial certification. IPMA re-certification follows the same process for levels A, B and C; however, re-certification for Level D requires the candidate to rewrite the Level D exam.


It is therefore recommended that Level D candidates consider certification at Level C or higher. Should you wish to apply for re-certification please contact us via contact form.


Process and how to apply?

  • Express interest to IPMA-SA for certification

  • Complete application form

  • Complete eligibility check

  • Submit report

  • Complete extended interview

  • Receive certification


Certified professionals are registered.

If you are looking for project, programme and portfolio managers who have proven competences, look for IPMA certified professionals. Certified professionals are registered in the international database.

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